Meta Man: Twitch Streamer iitzTimmy Streamed For 54+ Hours STRAIGHT And Accomplished One Of The Biggest Gaming Feats In History

Last night, Twitch Streamer iitzTimmy gamed for 54+ hours straight and achieved the highest rank in Apex Legends while ONLY Solo Queueing. Only 750 people in the world are given the rank of Apex Predator and last night, Timmy became one of them.

If you need a refresher on the ranking system, checkout this blog.

This is easily one of the biggest feats in gaming history. Streaming for 54+ hours straight is insane on it's own, but playing this long while achieving the highest possible rank in one of the most popular video games is ludicrous. Simply.

To give more perspective, once you hit Platinum rank in Apex, every team you're facing is a 3-man stack with comms and teamwork like they're in a real war. To hit Predator as a 

Giphy Images.

Everyone in the gaming world was tuned into Timmy's stream while he accomplished this monumental goal.

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